Martha Washington once said, “Think of the magic of that foot, comparatively small, upon which your whole weight rests.” The part about the ‘whole weight resting on the feet’ is something we need to ponder on. Obesity puts pressure on the legs and the feet being at the end of the line, suffer the most. In general, people pay the least attention to their feet and once a problem occurs, they realize how essential it is to have healthy feet to be independent and mobile.
Foot care is not just relegated to summer time when the feet are exposed. It is just as important during the long winter months when they are covered in socks and boots. At Syracuse Podiatry located in Fayetteville, NY, our board certified podiatrist, Dr. Ryan L. D’Amico, has some excellent advice on general foot care, whether you’re a diabetic or over 50, because he believes that healthy and well-functioning feet make for happy people.
Basic foot-care tips:
- Keep your feet dry and clean. Avoid walking barefoot in the sand especially if you have an open wound
- Improper shoes are a major cause of most foot problems. Choose the appropriate footwear for sports. Keep the shoe dry and aired
- Inspect your feet regularly as any growth on the foot is not normal
- Trim your toenails straight to avoid ingrown toenails
- Do not shave corns yourself, visit our podiatrist
- Foot pain of any kind should not be disregarded. Contact our office before it gets worse
- Discolored toenails, cracked heels, thickened nails or a rash need to be monitored and if found to get worse, a podiatrist should be consulted
Tips for Diabetics:
- Wash your feet with warm water and dry them well especially between the toes
- Check for sores and blisters daily
- Rub lotion on dry feet but not between the toes
- Trim your toenails weekly right after a bath as they are soft. If it’s not possible, visit a podiatrist and have them cut
- Wear shoes that fit and socks that are well aired
- Diabetics suffer from poor circulation and should not treat their own feet as they are more prone to infection. Please contact our office for yearly check-ups
We at Syracuse Podiatry are committed to treating your foot disorders. Visit our website or contact us at (315) 446-3668 to schedule an appointment.