
Wave Bye to Bone Spurs


While the name of the condition sounds painful, bone spurs often do not cause many symptoms and may go unnoticed. However, in cases where they lead to pain or discomfort, it’s important to be fully informed when it comes to treatment options for bone spurs.

At Syracuse Podiatry, we’re experienced in helping patients deal with this issue and can provide some much-needed relief! Read on so you can take the first step toward managing your spurs.

What are Bone Spurs?

Bone spurs, also known as osteophytes, are bony projections that develop along the edges of bones. While it’s rare to feel any effects, when the spurs press on nerves or tissues, they may cause pain or discomfort.

What Causes Bone Spurs?

  1. Osteoarthritis: The breakdown of cartilage in joints can lead to the formation of bone spurs as your body attempts to repair the loss of this cartilage.
  2. Joint damage or trauma: Injuries to joints, such as those from accidents or sports, can trigger the development of bone spurs.
  3. Ill-fitting shoes: Wearing shoes that are too tight or don’t provide the proper support can cause bone spurs.

Symptoms of Bone Spurs

  1. Joint pain and stiffness.
  2. Limited range of motion.
  3. Numbness or tingling in the affected area.
  4. Swelling and inflammation.

Diagnosing Bone Spurs

Visiting a podiatrist is your best bet if you suspect you may have bone spurs. They can conduct a wide range of diagnostic methods, including:

  1. Physical examination.
  2. X-rays.
  3. MRI or CT scan.

Treatment Options

  1. Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage pain and inflammation.
  2. Physical therapy: Targeted exercises can improve joint function and reduce pain.
  3. Orthotics: Shoe inserts or braces may alleviate pressure on affected joints.
  4. Corticosteroid injections: Injections can provide relief by reducing inflammation.

Bone spurs are a common occurrence, especially as we age. Understanding the condition is crucial for managing it effectively before pain or difficulty ensues. If you suspect you may need to tackle them with some professional treatment, Syracuse Podiatry is here to help. Contact us and make an appointment today so Dr. Ryan L. D’Amico, Dr. Donal M. Erickson, Dr. Keith Sherman, and Dr. Nicholas Cronin can make sure you’re stepping in the right direction.

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