Many of the feet and ankle problems adults face today started when they were children and have been building over time. Because of this, it’s important to pay attention to the health of your children’s feet to make sure they have long-term comfort and proper care.
Syracuse Podiatry is here to assist and give you six important tips on how to set your child’s feet up for long-term success!
- Teach kids the importance of wearing special shoes early on. Making sure they wear any braces, casts, orthotics, splints, or other gear appropriately will set them up for good health.
- Provide them with the right shoes for any activities they participate in. When your child plays sports, they should have comfortable, supportive, well-fitting athletic shoes. This will help prevent any injuries and future issues.
- Frequently check in and make sure your child isn’t outgrowing their shoes. Because kids grow at a rapid rate, it’s common for their feet to size up and no longer fit comfortably in their everyday shoes. Babies’ feet are especially delicate and still forming. Make sure their shoes aren’t restrictive and allow them to kick and stretch without trouble.
- Encourage your child to let you know if they’re experiencing any pain or discomfort in their feet, ankles, or legs. Similarly, if they are limping, staying off of their feet, or you see any blisters or lesions, ask them about it. Always contact your podiatrist as soon as possible to address the issue. Never underestimate foot pain.
- Learning about daily foot care is important. Let your kids know they should be washing their feet daily, including in between their toes, and drying thoroughly.
- Never force your child to walk earlier than they’re able. Kids walk when they’re ready. If your toddler has unusual walking habits (like walking on their toes or with their feet pointed in or out), know that this will likely change as they get comfortable on their feet. If you don’t notice a change, call your podiatrist.
If you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort in your feet, contact your local podiatrist immediately. Dr. Ryan L. D’Amico, Dr. Donal M. Erickson, Dr. Keith Sherman, Dr. Anne-Louise Smith, Dr. Justin Muser, and the rest of the staff at Syracuse Podiatry in East Syracuse, New York, can help treat and care for your feet. Call us at 315-446-3668 or make an appointment online to get help today.