
What You Need to Know for Neuropathy Awareness Month

May is Neuropathy Awareness Month. An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Awareness and understanding of this disease are vital for our health. Your feet are one of the most affected areas where neuropathy can occur. Don’t worry, though; we’ll go over everything you need to know to deal with this disease.


Neuropathy can occur when your peripheral nerves are damaged. Those are the nerves that travel to your legs and arms. They can’t function properly when this happens, resulting in abnormal or decreased sensation, usually in the extremities. The areas affected the most are fingers and toes.


The most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes due to the lack of circulation results in numbness and loss of feeling.

Some other common causes of neuropathy include:

  • Heredity
  • Arthritis
  • Medications
  • Toxins like mercury, arsenic, and lead
  • Advanced age
  • Acute injury to the peripheral nerves
  • Toxins like mercury, arsenic, and lead
  • Neurological disorders like fibromyalgia and spina bifida

One other significant cause is damage from chronic alcohol abuse. You must address alcoholism to treat alcohol neuropathy to stop the damage.


In addition, vitamin supplementation, particularly B vitamins, may restore the damaged nerves. Prescription medications are also available to alleviate the pain (always seek the advice of a doctor before taking any medication). In some cases, galvanic stimulation is administered to help improve nerve function. Magnetic therapy is another treatment option.

Also, orthotics and proper footwear can help. Orthotics are specially designed inserts the doctor shares with your unique foot shape. It is especially true for people with diabetes. A podiatrist can also order custom-made shoes to stabilize the feet, limit your foot’s motion, and offer adequate support to reduce foot pain and prevent further damage.

As always, if you do find an issue or are experiencing any pain or discomfort, contact a specialist right away. Dr. Ryan L. D’Amico, Dr. Donal M. Erickson, Dr. Keith Sherman, and their staff will help you diagnose and treat your foot or ankle condition. Call Syracuse Podiatry, located in East Syracuse, New York, for more tips and expert advice. Call 315-446-3668 or make an appointment online today.

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