Now that the weather is getting nicer, it is tempting to get outdoors and exercise in the fresh air. Some people have been exercising all winter in the gym and will have no problem transitioning outdoors while others will be running for the very first time. When introducing a new sport, it is always important to keep the health of your feet in mind because if the foot is not used to exercise and then is subjected to large amounts of stress and exercise, it can suffer from injuries such as tendonitis, sprains, and fractures. Other times even more severe injuries can occur. So, before you start running full speed ahead, consider these tips and tricks to ease yourself into this new world of running.
Start Slow
When you are first starting out your runs, start slow. Consider alternating walking and running from utility pole to utility pole. This breaks up the different amounts of stress that the feet feel. It also gives them a break in between so they do not suffer from overuse injuries due to lack of strength or use.
Start on Flat Terrain
Flat terrain tends to be easier on the body when running. This is because a pace can be set and the body jars around less than rugged terrain. Tracks, rail trails, and parks are all great places to start your new running expedition on relatively flat surfaces.
Work Your Way Up
Once you have been running for a few weeks at a light pace, slowly start to ramp up your workout. Remember that hill you’ve been eyeing as you run around your cul-de-sac? Go and give it a try. Start slowly in the beginning to help prevent conditions such as shin splints or sprains. Eventually, as you get used to the hill, increase your speed and enjoy the intensity.
Invest in the Right Shoes
If you are going to take up running as a serious means of exercise, take the time to go buy a good quality pair of running shoes. Shoes that are meant for running offer shock absorbance, cushioning and support when running. These key pieces of the footwear help to prevent runners from suffering from conditions such as blisters, calluses, strains, sprains, and fractures.
If you happen to sustain an injury while running it is important to see a podiatrist right away. An untreated foot condition can quickly spiral into something more serious. Call Syracuse Podiatry located in East Syracuse, New York. Dr. Ryan L. D’Amico, Dr. Payel Ghosh, and their staff will help you get back on the road to recovery. Call 315-446-3668 or make an appointment online today.