Category: skin care

How to Treat & Prevent Plantar Warts

Painful plantar warts are the larger warts that grow in the fibrous tissue (the plantar fascia) on the bottom of your foot. They most often occur in places that are under the most pressure, which is in the heel or ball areas. The added pressure forces the wart to grow inward, often hidden under a […]

How to Treat Calluses on Your Feet

Having hardened skin on your feet can be extremely painful and unsightly and can make it difficult to wear shoes without discomfort. Small calluses can usually be treated with a file or pumice stone, but larger calluses on your feet and especially on your heels (heel fissures) can be difficult to properly trim without causing […]

How to Treat Heel Fissures

Heel calluses are not normally painful, but in some cases, they can become very painful and debilitating when the cracks deepen into bleeding heel fissures that make it difficult to walk or even just stand up. The cracks can also be an avenue for a bacterial or fungal infection to take hold, so be sure […]

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